Bing(, the latest search engine announced by Microsoft (previously known as Live search, Windows Live Search, or MSN search) in order to compete with the KING of search engine Google!!! What is more, Bing will soon become the search provider for Yahoo in the next 10 years, meaning that Bing already enter the 2nd rank market share in search engine, but still long way to go to compete with Google!
Personally, Google has already become part of our habit while surfing on the net... People will say "jz google it and you'll get what u want", "google it for more information", bla bla bla, and it's really hard for Bing to turn this over in short period. At least it sounds weird when I said "try Bing it instead of Google it" to my friends!!! haha..... What a shock, some even dunno what Bing is !!!
Recently I was quite busy with my assignments, and I did make some comparison between Google and Bing. As usual, google will give u the information needed with jz a click without a mess!!! But recently some article stated that Bing is more than a search engine, and they called it decision engine!!! So, lets have a try on both search engines to see how it differ..... I try to search for the same information on google and bing, and of course, Google will as usual be proud to show that few milions results in less than 1 second, but for Bing, the way they present the information is more tidy and informative. Personally I like the tool-tip feature which will show u the synopsis of the search results once u point the cursur on the right side. There is no need to go to another website it is relevent o not as in Google!!! On the left side, there is some collection on related links, which would help in making decisions. This is why they call it the decisions engine instead of search engine!!! This is how it looks like:
One thing for sure is for few years to come Google will still dominate the market share, but Bing will soon gaining more and more market shares in future in which will soon becoming a threat to Google!!! With the search battle going on, internet users will get benefits from it as search engine will be facing a revolutionary era soon from my point of view!!!